Enter your email address. Note for US petowners: You are now in the Canadian version of getmeHOME ( Your tag will not register in our database. Please get in touch with your veterinarian for guidance. (The vet may have to contact the Boehringer-Ingelheim representative for explanations.)
Tag number:
Enter the tag number: A 7 or 8 digit number that you can find on the back of the tag (e.g. 1234567). Please contact us on +1.866.637.4250 or by email if you are trying to register a 5 digit tag. These tags are no longer available – since 2013
Security code:
Enter the security code. This code consists of the last 4 digits of the telephone number of the clinic where you obtained the rabies tag. Your clinic's telephone number can be found on the tag.
You will receive a text message to confirm subscription
Please check the box if your pet is microchipped. The microchip information will be used in case your pet lost the getmeHOME tag.

Please check the box if your pet is insured. The name and contact information (except for the insurance policy number) will be displayed in your pet's microsite. The insurance policy number will not be public.

I understand the service will send email messages containing exclusive information about my pet’s whereabout to establish a contact with the finder of my pet in case my pet has run away.